High School Curriculum

Angelic Doctor Academy’s high school curriculum, incorporating many excellent new Catholic textbooks, is designed to provide a good balance of solid Traditional Catholicism, classical elements, as well as flexibility.  Our goal is to eventually offer three diploma levels:

  • Standard – a general purpose, solid Catholic education (available today)
  • Advanced  – for students who may be considering college or continuing education (coming soon )
  • Honors  – for students who want the very best and most challenging courses (coming soon)

Angelic Doctor Academy has an open enrollment policy, which means parent can apply at anytime of the year.   This is your homeschooling, at your pace, and your schedule.   Also, please note that you do not need to seek a diploma with us.  We are very glad to assist you with just a few courses, or even just a single one.   We are here to assist you, not to restrict.

Our Standard Diploma, available right now, is sufficient for acceptance into most colleges.  The other two diplomas offer certain courses for the most rigorous colleges.  Also, even though the Advanced and Honors diplomas are not yet available, some of the individual courses in them are available now.  Feel free to substitute any of those courses from the more advanced diplomas for the courses on our Standard Diploma.   This is especially the case with literature (you might want to pick “meatier” books from the list).   You might also want to fill in some of the open slots (see notes below).

We wish to stress that the suggested courses below are just that – a suggestion.  You are in complete control of what courses your students take and  in what order.  We have no prerequisite requirements.  When registering, you can substitute any course via our master list of courses    Many courses can be customized; for example, with our literature courses, you are able to “pop out” books and replace them with others.  With our Sacred Scripture and Papal Encyclicals courses, you can change what you wish.  Again, we are here to assist you, not to “lay down the law”.

That said, we are a school.  We do have minimum requirements in order for the student to be awarded a diploma.

The ADA Standard Diploma

In our online enrollment system, you are free to enroll your students in whichever courses you feel are right for your children, and to even customize many of those courses.   We do, however, offer a convenience option to start the enrollment with our “default suggested courses” for the student’s grade level.   Those default courses per grade are shown here.   Again, this is intended to be our most basic diploma.    Junior year has no science course, and senior year no math course.   If you wish, you can easily add in more courses.

Clicking on any course title will show you the details for that course in a new tab.