New Hard-Hitting Traditional Catholic Textbooks
Angelic Doctor Academy and Christ the King Books have collaborated for ten years of intense labor to produce many new Traditional Catholic textbooks. These beautifully-illustrated and annotated books not only clearly explain the subject area, but they also address, head-on, certain very pervasive errors across the disciplines. For example, instead of the typical biased and liberal United States history books used in many curricula, Catholics now have access to a militantly Catholic history textbook. Instead of public school-style “science” and mathematics books which teach the child almost nothing (except, at best, memorization and problem-solving), we provide solid, orderly textbooks which proceed from the first principles of each science. Here is, for example, what one Catholic educator has to say about our Traditional Catholic high school biology text:
“This is far and away the best biology textbook I have ever read. Indeed, there is absolutely no comparison between this textbook and any other science textbook that I have read. I am convinced that it will have a major impact for good on secondary education and university education in biology wherever it is adopted.” ~Hugh Owen, Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, www.kolbecenter.org
With all of Christ the King Books’ publications, the student really learns to truly think with the perennial wisdom of the Church.
1. The books you see in the image here are just a few of our new books. There are many more available on the Christ the King Books website. Almost all of the books have a sample for download, as well as a corresponding student exercises and answer key.
2. For each of the books, you can simply purchase the books, exercises and answer key for your own use, or you can enroll the student in the course, in which case we grade all the schoolwork for you! If you will be enrolling the student, then you will be able to purchase the books directly during the enrollment process directly (instead of using our books website).
Thank you, and God bless you!