Tuition / Pricing / Materials

Our primary market is Catholic families, many of which are large.   Money can be very tight.   We get it.   This is why we try to keep our costs down in every way possible, for you, including such things as recycled packaging and simple coil-binding on many of our books, rather than expensive hardcovers and bindings.

ADA is not the Ordinary Distance-Learning School

Our prices are listed below, but we first want to stress that our service is unlike almost every other Catholic homeschooling service out there.   The vast majority of Catholic homeschool services grade only a small fraction of the student’s coursework (the parent usually sends in just a sample of the student’s coursework every academic quarter).  Some services even grade nothing for the parent!  

Angelic Doctor Academy grades everything for the busy parents (including all the handwritten short-answer essays) and provides regular academic progress reports (usually weekly).   The whole ADA experience is much closer to a traditional brick-and-mortal school than the alternatives.  Truly, comparing ADA to most others is like comparing apples and oranges.

Such a system of grading all the student’s coursework and providing regular academic feedback necessarily involves more costs on our end.  Not only do we need to pay employees to grade the short answer (handwritten) questions in the student’s schoolwork, but our computer grading  system requires heavy resources.   That said, we try to keep things as affordable as possible.

Course Fees

Our courses are individually priced.   Instead of a flat fee per family, each course is carefully analyzed for its length and resource use and priced accordingly.   We have found this to be the most accurate and fair way to price our products.   Our average course fee is about $150 plus books / supplies.  This includes all the grading of that entire course.

Thus, for a typical high school student course load of about 6 courses, this would be roughly about $900 per student.  Although one can find Catholic homeschool services for slightly less, we again remind you that these others are in no way offering the same level of service.

You can learn more about individual courses, including their prices, by either viewing our Standard Diploma Suggested Courses list or by visiting our All Courses page.   As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Books, Lesson Plans, and Exercises Manuals

As with our course fees, we try to price our materials as affordably as possible, so schooling is not an undue burden on the pocketbook.

Many of our textbooks come from Christ the King Books.    We print our own exercises manuals, and these average around $10 per course.   (See samples of exercises manuals.)  Our customized lesson plans are free, and you are free to change your schedule and re-generate them any time.

Special Pricing / Parents in Extreme Financial Need

Because we feel our prices are low for the service we offer, we do not currently offer any multiple-student discounts.

If you are experiencing a serious financial need, such as a job loss, a single parent struggling, please contact us.   We cannot promise a price reduction, but we will certainly listen and consider.

Do you offer referral bonuses?

Yes!   For every new homeschooling family you refer that enrolls and submits payment, we will give you $50 – no gimmicks or games.  That family, when enrolling, simply needs to list you as a referral contact (remind them to do so when you refer them).  If you do not have an account on our system, or you do but do not want to use your credit(s) for tuition or books, please contact us: we will send you a check at your request.

Word of mouth from other happy Traditional Catholic homeschooling families is the very best advertisement we could hope for.   This is one way of showing our gratitude.  Thank you for anything you do to spread the word!

Return / Refund Policy

Angelic Doctor Academy is confident of the quality of our books and courses.  Yet we understand that “life happens” and plans can change.  The following are our refund policies.

Textbooks and answer keys:  90% refund (10% restocking fee) if returned within the first 30 days AND they are in new condition when we receive them back.  Customer is responsible for return shipping.  If the materials are damaged in any way such that we cannot in good conscience re-sell them as ‘new’, then we will only be able to issue a pro-rated refund, proportional to the damage.

Exercises manuals and lesson plans:   All of our exercises manuals and lesson plans are custom-printed for the student, and there is no refund on these.

Course fees:  75% refund if you cancel with within two weeks of receiving the books ; 50% if between two weeks and a month; after one month, no refund.