Courses by Subject



The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
Annotated Book of First Kings
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Garcia Moreno: President of Ecuador, Hero of the Faith
A Heart for Europe - the Story of the Last Holy Roman Emperor
Queen Isabella of Spain (Walsh)
Protestantism - Destroyer of Faith, Morals, and Civil Society
Animal Farm
Emma (Jane Austen)
Persuasion (Jane Austen)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens)
Robinson Crusoe
The Betrothed
The Blood Red Crescent
The Conquest of New Spain (by Bernal Diaz)
Divine Comedy - The Inferno (Dante)
Divine Comedy - Paradiso (Dante)
Divine Comedy - Purgatorio (Dante)
Divine Comedy (Complete - Dante)
Fabiola (The Church of the Catacombs)
Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)
The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest, Fr. John Gerard, S.J.
Kidnapped (Robert Louis Stevenson)
10th Grade Literature - Advanced
10th Grade Literature - Honors
10th Grade Literature - Standard
11th Grade Literature - Advanced
11th Grade Literature - Honors
11th Grade Literature - Standard
12th Grade Literature - Advanced
12th Grade Literature - Honors
12th Grade Literature - Standard
9th Grade Literature - Advanced
9th Grade Literature - Honors
9th Grade Literature - Standard
Short Excerpts in Literature, Level 10
Short Excerpts in Literature, Level 11
Short Excerpts in Literature, Level 12
St. Thomas - "On Kingship" - Book One
Saint Fernando III, A Kingdom for Christ
The Scarlet Pimpernel (Baroness Orczy)
The Shadow on the Earth (Father Dudley)
A Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare)
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)
King Lear (Shakespeare)
The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare)
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare)
Two Gentlemen of Verona (Shakespeare)
Song at the Scaffold
War and Peace (Leo Tolstoy)
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
The Iliad (Homer)
Aristotle's "Categories"
Aristotle's "Prior Analytics"
Porphyry\'s \"Isagoge\"
The Chemical History of a Candle
Nature Observations and Experiments with Jean-Henri Fabre
The History of the Catholic Church
Pope Gregory XVI - Encyclical on Liberalism ("Mirari Vos")
Introduction to Papal Encyclicals
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical On the Christian Constitution of States ("Immortale Dei")
Pope Leo XIII - Encyclical On the True Nature of Liberty ("Libertas")
Pope Pius IX - Encyclical Condemning Current Errors ("Quanta Cura")
Pope St. Pius X - Encyclical on Modernism ("Pascendi")
Pope Pius XI - Encyclical on Christ the King ("Quas Primas")
Pope Pius XII - Encyclical on False Opinions ("Humani Generis")
Critical Papal Encyclicals - Level One
Critical Papal Encyclicals - Level Two
Religion Ten
Sacred Scripture - Standard Diploma
Sacred Scripture - Advanced Diploma
Annotated Sacred Book of the Acts of the Apostles
Annotated Sacred Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians
Annotated Sacred Book of Exodus
Annotated Sacred Book of Genesis
Annotated Sacred Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews
Introduction to Sacred Scripture
Annotated Sacred Epistle of St. James
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. John
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. Luke
Annotated Holy Gospel of St. Matthew
